
Alexander Brindley – Head Instructor

Alexander began studying HEMA in 2006, and has trained in various martial arts for over 20 years. His primary focus has been the longsword in the Liechtenauer tradition. In 2014-15 while living in Slovakia he trained with Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok, this experience had a major impact on his HEMA training, methodology and pedagogical approach. Alexander regularly competes in regional tournaments and has medaled numerous times in Longsword, Rapier, Rapier & Dagger, Military Sabre and Messer events.

Chris Holloman – Co-Instructor

Chris began his training in HEMA well over a decade ago and has had a lifelong passion for swordsmanship and martial arts. Fostering a deep appreciation for the KDF sources, much of his focus has been on the early sources in the Liechtenauer tradition. Chris is also a strong advocate of competition and has medaled multiple times in Single Rapier and Rapier & Dagger and Longsword events.

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