Our training centers around the attributes and skills necessary to excel in historical fencing, both martially and competitively. The Longsword is our primary weapon of study, though we also routinely train with Rapier, Rapier & Dagger Dussack/Messer, Military Sabre and Sword & Buckler systems throughout the year with intermediate and advanced level students. We approach our training in a holistic manner and believe that pursuing the art of fencing offers an excellent path for the development of mind, body and spirit. The key attributes we seek to cultivate in our training include agility, speed, strength, explosiveness, endurance, coordination, technical skill, fortitude, discipline, mental toughness, sportsmanship and self-control. Fencing is a challenging but very rewarding pursuit and if taken seriously is more than just a hobby, but a lifestyle to truly implement its essence and gain maximum benefit.
Our ancestors who developed and trained in these martial arts staked their lives upon them, thus in addition to skill and prowess, it is obvious that physical fitness was an essential element in swordsmanship and the use of arms. Thus to faithfully revive these arts, our school places a strong emphasis on the necessity of the physical culture required and aims to develop the body, sharpen the mind and cultivate the martial spirit in the process. Though ultimately an individualistic pursuit, we value the camaraderie of training together and pushing one another’s limits in the pursuit of excellence.